1981 The Hamwih Pottery: the Local and Imported Wares from Thirty Years' Excavations in Southampton and their European Context. London: Council for British Archaeology Research Report.
1982 Edited (with G. Barker), Archaeology and Italian Society. Oxford: British Archaeological Reports.
1982 Dark Age Economics: The Origins of Town and Trade. London/New York: Duckworth / St. Martin’s Press (new edition 1989).
1983 Edited (with P. Davey), Ceramics and Trade. Sheffield: Department of Archaeology and Prehistory Sheffield University.
1983 (with D. Whitehouse), Mohammed Charlemagne and the Origins of Europe: Archaeology and Pirenne Thesis. London / Ithaca: Duckworth / Cornell (new edition 1989). Revised French edition published as Mahomet, Charlemagne et les Origines de l'Europe. Paris: Pierre Zech, 1996.
1985 Edited (with J. Mitchell), San Vincenzo al Volturno: the Archaeology, Art and Territory of an Early Medieval Monastery. Oxford: British Archaeological Reports.
1988 Primitive and Peasant Markets. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.
1988 Edited (with B. Hobley), The Rebirth of Towns in the West AD 700-1050. London: Council for British Archaeology Research Report.
1989 The Anglo-Saxon Achievement: Archaeology and the Beginnings of English Society. London/Ithaca: Duckworth/ Cornell.
1991 Wall-to-Wall History: The Story of Roystone Grange. London: Duckworth (Winner of British Archaeological Book of the Year 1992); (republished as Roystone Grange. 6000 years of a Peakland landscape, Stroud, Tempus, 2006)
1991 Edited (with K. Smith), Recent Developments in the Archaeology of the Peak District. Sheffield: Department of Archaeology and Prehistory Sheffield University.
1993 Edited, San Vincenzo al Volturno 1: the 1980-86 Excavations part 1. London: The British School at Rome.
1995 Edited, San Vincenzo al Volturno 2: the 1980-86 Excavations part 2. London: The British School at Rome.
1995 (with J. Mitchell), La basilica di Giosue a San Vincenzo al Volturno. Montecassino: Edizione CEP. Revised English edition published in 1996 as The Abbey of Abbot Joshua at San Vincenzo al Volturno.
1996 Edited (with G. Brogiolo, S. Gelichi, R. Francovich and H. Steuer), Archaeology and History of the Middle Ages. XIII International Congress of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences. Forli.
1997 Light in the Dark Ages. The Rise and Fall of San Vincenzo al Volturno. London/ Ithaca: Duckworth / Cornell University Press.
1998 Edited (with W. Bowden), The Sixth Century: Production, Distribution and Consumption. The Hague: E. J. Brill (Volume 2 in the European Science Foundation’s Transformation of the Roman World project).
2000 Towns and Trade in the Age Charlemagne. London: Duckworth.
2000 Visions of Rome: Thomas Ashby, Archaeologist. London: The British School at Rome.
2003 (with R. Francovich) Villa to Village. The Transformation of the Roman Landscape in Italy. London: Duckworth.
2004 (with W. Bowden & K. Lako), Byzantine Butrint: excavations and surveys 1994-99, Oxford: Oxbow Books.
2006 Goodbye to the Vikings? Re-reading Early Medieval Archaeology. London: Duckworth.
2006 Eternal Butrint. A Unesco World Heritage Site in Albania. London: Periplus. (translated by Diana Ndrenika) Butrinti I Përjetshëm, Tirana: Botimet Toena 2011.
2006 Edited (with L.Bejko), New Directions in Albanian Archaeology. Tirana: ICAA.
2006 Edited (with K. Bowes and K.Francis), Between text and territory. San Vincenzo 4. London: British School at Rome.
2007 Edited (with I.L. Hansen), Roman Butrint: an assessment. Oxford: Oxbow Books. 2007
2008 Shkëlqimi dhe rënia e Butrintit bizantin / The Rise and Fall of Byzantine Butrint. London/Tirana: Butrint Foundation.
2011 (with W. Bowden) Butrint 3. Excavations of the Triconch Palace, Oxford: Oxbow Books.
2011 (with S. Leppard and J. Mitchell) San Vincenzo 5. San Vincenzo Maggiore and its workshops, London: British School at Rome.
2012 Dark Age Economics: a new audit, London: Bloomsbury Academic.
2012 Edited (with S. Gelichi) From One Sea to Another, Turnhout: Brepols.
2013 Edited (with I.L.Hansen and S.Leppard) Butrint 4. The Archaeology and Histories of an Ionian Town, Oxford: Oxbow Books.
2015 Edited with S. Gelichi, New Directions in European Medieval Archaeology. Essays for Riccardo Francovich Turnhout: Brepols.
2016 The Archaeology of Mediterranean Placemaking. Butrint and the Global Heritage Industry, London: Bloomsbury Academic.
2017 Travels of an Archaeologist: Finding A Sense of Place, London: Bloomsbury Academic.
Recent Essays and Reports
Recent Essays and Reports
(with M. Hobart & S. Campana) Monasteri contesi nella Tuscia Longobarda: il caso di San Pietro ad Asso, Montalcino (Siena), Archeologia Medievale XXXIX, (2011): 175-213.
David Whitehouse (1941-2013), Archaeologia Medievale XXXIX (2012): 407-8.
Excavating away the ‘poison’: the topographic history of Butrint, ancient Buthrotum, in I. L.Hansen, R. Hodges and S.Leppard (eds), Butrint 4: The archaeology and histories of an Ionian town, (Oxbow Books, Oxford, 2012): 1-21.
Archaeologists as Placemakers: making the Butrint National Park, in I.L.Hansen, R. Hodges & S.Leppard (eds.) Butrint 4: The archaeology and histories of an Ionian town (Oxbow Books, Oxford, 2012): 309-21.
(with S.Leppard & J.Mitchell) The Eighth-Century Cloister at San Vincenzo al Volturno, Papers of the British School at Rome 80 (2012): 145-55.
(with W. Bowden) An ‘Ice Age settling on the Roman Empire’: Post-Roman Butrint between strategy and serendipity, in N. Christie and A. Augenti (eds.) Urbes Extinctae, (Ashgate, Aldershot, 2012): 207-41.
(with S. Greenslade) The aristocratic oikos on the Vrina Plain, Butrint, c. AD 830-1200, Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies 37 (2013): 1-19.
The Adriatic Sea in European perspective, in S. Gelichi & R. Hodges (eds) (Brepols, Turnhout, 2012): 207-34 (republished as: The Adriatic Sea in European perspective, Scottish Archaeological Journal 32 (2013): 95-120.)
Rodney Young, his noblesse oblige, and the OSS in Greece, Expedition 55 (2013): 42-43.
(with A. Paterlini) A short history of the Butrint Foundation’s conservation programme at Butrint, Albania: 1994-2012, Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites 15 (2013): 253-79.
Butrint’s northern frontier in the 11th century: the Dema Wall, Annual of the British School at Athens 113 (2014): 1-5.
Review: C. Loveluck, Northwest Europe in the Early Middle Ages, c. AD 600-1150. A comparative history, Antiquity 88 (2014): 996-97.
(with P. Gwynne & J. Vroom) Archaeology and Epic: Butrint and Ugolino Verino’s Carlias, Papers of the British School at Rome 82 (2014): 199-235.
Landscape and Society: The Making of San Vincenzo’s Mediterranean Valley, in K. Boyle, R. Rabett & C. Hunt (eds.) Living in the Landscape, (Cambridge, McDonald Institute, 2014), 267-85.
(with J. Mitchell) The Forty Saints, Saranda, Expedition 56.3 (2014): 38-44.
The Shadow of Enver Hoxha. A short history of the Butrint Foundation, 1993-2012, Public Archaeology 13 (2014): 11-29.
Review B. Ambrosiani, Excavations in the Black Earth 1990-1995. Stratigraphy Vol.1. Part One: The site and the shore; Part Two: the Bronze Caster’s Workshop (Birka Studies volume 9), Medieval Archaeology 58 (2014): 399-400.
Medieval archaeology and civic society: celebrating 40 years of Archeologia Medievale, in S. Gelichi (ed.) Quarant’Anni di Archeologia Medievale in Italia,( Florence: All’Insegna del Giglio, 2014), 177-83.
The idea of the polyfocal ‘town’? Archaeology and the origins of medieval urbanism in Italy, in S. Gelichi & R. Hodges (eds.) New Directions in European Medieval Archaeology. Essays for Riccardo Francovich), Turnhout, Brepols (2015): 267-84.
‘A God-guarded city’? The New Medieval Town of Butrint, Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies 39 (2015): 191-218.
Fact and fiction in the Eastern Mediterranean: some conclusive remarks on Byzantine archaeology, in J. Vroom (ed.) Medieval and Post-Medieval Ceramics in the Eastern Mediterranean: Fact and Fiction, Turnhout, Brepols (2015): 343-49.
The Aspirations of Albanian Archaeology. Review of L. Përzhita, Ilir Gjipali, G. Hoxha and B. Muka (ed.) Proceedings of the International Congress of Albanian Archaeological Studies. 65th Anniversary of Albanian Archaeology (21-22 November, Tirana 2013). Antiquity 89 (2015): 1243-45.
Review, The Sveti Pavao shipwreck, Current World Archaeology 70 (2015): 58-59.
The 9th-century abbot’s house at San Vincenzo al Volturno, in M. Dell’ Omo,C. Crova, &F. Marazzi (eds.) SODALITAS. Studi in memoria di Don Faustino Avagliano, Montecassino, Miscellanea Cassinese, 86 (2015): 473-90.
L’introduzione dell’Archeologia Medievale in Molise, 1977-1980, ArcheoMolise VII (24) (2016), 28-39.
(with E. Carr, A. Sebastiani and E. Vaccaro) Beyond Butrint: the ‘Mursi’ survey, Annual of the British School at Athens 115 (2016), 1-29.
(with N. Christie) Anxious Abbots? Questions of Defence and Monastic Communities in Early Medieval Europe, in N. Christie & H. Herold (eds.), Fortified Settlements in Medieval Europe, Oxford , Oxbow Books (2016): 137-55.
Review Blendi Fevziu (translated by Majlinda Nisku, edited & introduced by Robert Elsie), Enver Hoxha. The Iron Fist of Albania, London, I.B.Tauris 2016, History Today August, 2016: 64.
Review, Franklin Toker, Volume I: On Holy Ground: Liturgy, Architecture, and Urbanism in the Cathedral and the Streets of Medieval Florence, Turnhout, Brepols, 2009; Volume II Archaeological Campaigns below the Florence Duomo and Baptistery, 1895-1980. Turnhout, Brepols, 2013, Speculum 91 (2016): 1170-71.
Review, Brian Ayers, The German Ocean, Current World Archaeology 80 (2016): 57.
TIn small things forgotten. Iuxta Flumen Vulturnum. Gli scavi lungo il fronte fluviale di San Vincenzo al Volturno, Archeologia Medievale XLII (2016), 419-22.
Preface, in G. Bianchi and S. Gelichi (eds.) Un Monastero sul Mare, Florence, Al’ Insegna del Giglio, (2017), 7-9.
Review, A. Augenti, Archeologia dell’ Italia Medievale, Antiquity 91 (2017), 547-48.
S.S.Clarke’s abortive visit to Butrint, 1922, Speira. Festshrift for Kostas Zachos, Athens, National Receipts Fund (2017), 411-21.
Butrint – never a non-place, in S.Gelichi and C. Negrelli (eds.) Adriatico altomedievale (VI-XI secolo): scambi, porti, produzioni, Venice, University of Ca’ Foscari Digital Publications (2017), 205-226
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