Iris Cornelia Love (1933-19 April 2020)
Iris Cornelia Love who passed away this weekend was a living legend. Despite being a member of the Guggenheim family, and very much part...

Excavations and surveys at Butrint, Albania: Butrint 5 & 6i,ii, iii
The popular view of archaeology is that it is done and dusted on the ground, in the trench. Nothing is further from the truth. Analysing...

Olevano sul Tusciano redux
Our book is published by Viella! Edited with Alessandro Del Muro, Il santuario di San Michele ad Olevano sul Tusciano (Viella, Rome,...

Gabriel Battista, 1944-2020
The passing of Gabe Battista on Sunday, 26 January has shocked all of us. Gabe had had recent illnesses but volunteered only a few weeks...

Destination Santa Fiora?
Destination tourism: how do you attract tourists to places that have genuine history and natural wonders, yet lie off the beaten track?...

Secret Monteverde
Beside the Doria Pamphlij park, off a busy road through Monteverde, lies a sacred bower. Here lies the barn-like 17th-century church of...

Forgotten Rome?
A glorious morning for a change and as luck would have it I had an appointment at the Villa Lante in the shadow of Garibaldi’s statue on...

Positano’s secret treasure
The Amalfi coast is breath-taking even on a day of torrential rain. Driving waves slam against the Sirens’ islands, Li Galli, crowning...

Buried No Longer
The Ephesos Museum is in the Haus der Geschichte Österreich in Vienna. Excavations over more than a century have produced wonderful...

George Soros and the inauguration of CEU’s Vienna campus
I first met George Soros in Tirana 20 years ago. His Open Society Foundations had little short of a holy status among young Albanians....